References and activities
Information broker activities and consultancy
Quality systems management
Information broker activities and consultancy
Information gathering and presentation from sources like specialists, internet and other online and offline information (e.g. Hungarian and foreign company information, marketing information, law, news aggregation, alerting, competitor monitoring etc.)
Among clients:
- Elsevier BV, Amsterdam; training and public relations
- Educatio Kft., database service
- Telecom Group, marketing information
- MOL Plc, information management consultancy
- MARKETiN CEE (Slovakia), market information
- Indonesian Trade Promotion Centre, marketing information
- Új Média Kft., customer & information service
- Gold Invest Kft., current awareness
- Eurobib AB (Sweden), market information
- Kunság Volán Plc, book for anniversary and database
- Baustar Ltd., trend watching
- Dialog Corporation, representative in Hungary (2001-02)
- TEXTlab Kft., content development
- others, e.g.: investment firms (property information), furniture factory (marketing information), touristic service (potential prospects), attorney (finding precedents).
Teaching information activities
- Organizing authorship training “A path to be a published author”, Library and Archive of Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, 2017.
- CEU Business School, NGO lobbying course, 2007.
- Corvinus University, Business School, Using internet and library resources, 2005.
- Budapest Technical University, Business Intelligence course, 2002-
- Eötvös Loránd Science University (information brokerage), 2007-
- Szent István University, Applied Philosophy Faculty (information brokerage), 2009
- Bénédict School, Information brokerage course (taching and responsibility for its content), 2002
Further presentations in conferences in Hungarian and in English
- ICKM conference
- Figyelő conference
- IIR Business Intelligence conferences
- BOBCATSSS international librarian’s conferences
- Conference on Electronic Trade
- Conferences of Association of Hungarian Information Brokers
- Annual meetings of MKE (Hungarian Librarians Association) etc.
Further education
- Coaching students
- Trainings for companies and libraries, e.g. information and library management
- Baustar Ltd. internal trainings
- Distance education: personalized course via internet and telephone,
Writing and editing books
- Information Consulting — Guide to Good Practice / Annie-Joan Olesen, Irene Wormell, Gábor Mikulás (Oxford, Chandos, 2011)
- [Business value made from information] Információból üzleti érték (MIBE, 2006.)
- [Modern Library] Korszerű könyvtár; two chapters (Raabe, 2005)
- [Handbook of librarians] Könyvtárosok kézikönyve, volume IV. (Osiris, 2002) a chapters on Public Relations, LIS management, Library economics
- [Management — Introduction with 7 leadership tests and 222 examples on information and library services] Menedzsment : bevezetés 7 vezetői teszttel és 222 információs és könyvtári példával (1999). Referred by e.g.: Harvard Businessmanager, Marketing & Menedzsment
- [Introduction to library management] Bevezetés a könyvtári menedzsmentbe (OSZK, 1995, with: Mark Deckers)
- Association of Hungarian Information Brokers (MIBE) founder and president
- Association of Hungarian Librarians
Social media
- Elsevier B.V. – responsible for the Hungarian Facebook-site
- Moderation of the billest Hungarian librarian Facebook group
- Presence on Twitter
- Presence on LinkedIn
Press contacts
- Special issues for information brokerage in the BOSS magazin.
- Interviews in: periodicals and Kossuth Rádió (Jó reggelt, Infokrónika), Petőfi Rádió, Klub Rádió, Gazdasági Rádió, Európa Rádió, Katolikus Rádió, in m2 television (Záróra)
- In the Netherlands: de Stadkrant, Deventer Dagblad
Electronic and paper newsletters
- KIT newsletter – electronic weekly newsletter, more than 24.000 news since 2002
- MIBE hírlevél – electronic
- Szponzorlap – electronic, Art Of Sponsorship Kft.
- Library Newsletter (Kecskemét Teacher Training College)
Blogging for Hungarian Reading Association
Event management
- Aroung 20 conferences and professional events for MIBE since 2001
- exhibition sites at HírösBau, Construma
Presentations on conferences
- Public relations on the Internet
- Public relations of information services
Desktop publishing
- brochures, advertisements, ad-film (Baustar Kft.)
- managing edition of books
Papers on
- impact of public relations in the press
- understanding competitor’s websites
Public relations for own projects, publishing
- About 150 articles and translations from German and English in professional periodicals, e.g, Vezetéstudomány, Kutatási Jelentés, Cégvezetés, Heti Világgazdaság, Világgazdaság, Pályacsúcs Magazin, Dotkom Értesítő, Kontrolling, BOSS Magazin, Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás, Könyvtári Figyelő, PR Herald, Korszerű Vezetés, Piac&Profit, Marketing & Menedzsment, Figyelő, IT Business, Édes Anyanyelvünk, Menedzsmentfórum
- About 50 articles in periodicals (e.g. Computer Technika (Magyar Hírlap), Magyar Nemzet, Élet és Tudomány, Petőfi Népe)
Quality systems management
Building and maintenance of ISO 9001:1994, ISO 9002:1996, ISO 9001:2005 quality systems at
- Budai Kapu Ltd.
- Baustar Ltd.
- Free Line Ltd.
- Human Quality Management at Szent István Unversity, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010