A legfontosabb erőssége a könyvtár szakmának, ha vannak olyan vezetők, akik megértik a könyvtárakat, kilátnak a ketrecből, s ezt használóik számára is át tudják adni.
Studying progressive libraries : an adventure in New Zeland. In: Marketing Library Services 19 (2005 Mar/April) http://www.infotoday.com/mls/mar05/StanleyEmberton.shtml

2 tréning a Johannesburgi Egyetem tudásmenedzsment-konferenciáján

The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management
University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-6 September, 2012

Annie Joan Olesen — Gábor Mikulás: Take a leap from being an information specialist to becoming an information / knowledge consultant – a full day workshop

Training: Take a leap from being an information specialist to becoming an information / knowledge consultant

Presentation in pdf; II-III.

Gábor Mikulás: How to identify competitive cultural orientations from executive’s narratives? — a half day workshop

Training: How to identify competitive cultural orientations from executive’s narratives?

Presentation in pdf.
