A hibás döntést meg lehet bocsátani, de a késést nem.
Kiváló vezetők : rövidítve. In: Korszerű Vezetés 29 (1997) 3 p. 48-56.

Measuring predictive competitiveness of library managers from their narratives – a new approach

In: p. 230-237, Finding new ways : proceedings of the 19th BOBCATSSS Symposium. University of West Hungary Press, Sopron, 2011.

További (magyar nyelvű) anyagok a témában

Gábor Mikulás, GM Consulting, Kecskemét, Hungary and
Lilla Habók, Department of Librarian and Information Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

The purpose of this paper is – To predict competitiveness – to study the narrative patterns

The aim of this paper is demonstrated in two phases:
Phase 1.: understanding the narrative patterns for predicting competitiveness
Phase 2.: apply the findings in narratives of library managers (opinion leaders).

As a background, it uses the methodology of the international GLOBE-project which assesses 9 cultural orientations. Some of them predict competitiveness within the countries and in organizations. The heads of organizations have a strong influence on their institutions, and their narrative contains the hidden patterns of human behavior, which forms the cultural orientations. This paper describes the way of identifying competitive cultural orientations within the narratives of the heads of organizations in the frame of four case studies. Based on this procedure, it also proves that the competitiveness analysis can also be used for the narratives of library opinion managers.

Full text of this chapter
